Processing certification

Certification of trading, processing and storage activities, without actual movement of products too, if related to trading, and if the company is engaged in export. Information and documents related to organic farming certification process.

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Processing and repackaging

Food and feed production companies performing any operation that changes the initial product. Mostly ingredients of agricultural origin are used in the production and organic, mechanical and physical methods are used for processing. Product repackaging and labelling are among operations certified as processing. Certification must encompass all stages, including operations performed by subcontractors. Documents required for certification of processing and repackaging are specified below.


Certification of organic farming products storage operations includes premises, place where organically farmed products are stored, placed for temporary storage. Documents required for certification of storage companies are specified below.


Certification of trading companies encompasses all stages involved, including the ones performed without physical relocation of production, only based on documents. Documents required for certification of trading companies are specified below.


Branch of the Limited Liability Company “Sertifikācijas un testēšanas centrs” in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Director Динара Мусина

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