Application for inclusion in the control system for organic farming ANN-F-BL-002
Declaration of the establishment of an operator (group of operators) in accordance with the organic farming requirements ANN-F-BL-005
Description of the undertaking ANN-F-BL-003-1.1.2.
Company description (SUMMARY)
Summary of managed UFA areas ANN-F-BL-003-1.2.1.
Plant rotation or crop rotation and fertilisation plan ANN-F-BL-003-1.3
Livestock ANN-F-BL-003-1.4
Precautionary Action Plan - Crop production ANN-F-BL-003-1.6.1
Precautionary Action Plan - Livestock ANN-F-BL-003-1.6.2
Precautionary Action Plan - Beekeeping ANN-F-BL-003-1.6.3
Description of the activity of the undertaking FOR FOOD, FACILITIES, STORAGE AND TRADE COMPANIES ANN-F.BL-003.1.6
Instructions for completing the production plan
Production plan (ALL TABLES)
Production plan ANN-F-BL-003-2.1.2
List of fields ANN-F-BL-003-2.3
Planned use of fertilisers ANN-F-BL-003-2.4
Planned crop production ANN-F-BL-003-2.5
Estimated production from backyard, fruit and berry crops ANN-F-BL-003-2.5.1
Description of the separation between organic and conventional production (To be completed in case of split production) ANN-F-BL-003-2.9
Primary products to be implemented ANN-F-BL-003-2.11
Beekeeping ANN-F-BL-003-2.10
Primary products to be implemented ANN-F-BL-003-2.11
Planned use of fertilisers ANN-F-BL-003-2.4
Number of animals and planned livestock production ANN-F-BL-003-2.6
Calculation of feed intake ANN-F-BL-003-2.7
Calculation of feed requirements ANN-F-BL-003-2.8
Description of the separation between organic and conventional production (To be completed in case of split production) ANN-F-BL-003-2.9
Primary products to be implemented ANN-F-BL-003-2.11
Description of the rearing of snails and earthworms ANN-F-BL-003-2.13
Wild plant collection ANN-F-BL-003-2.12
Application for authorisation for organic farming in special cases ANN-F-BL-023
Application for authorisation to use non-organic feed ANN-F-BL-023.1.
Application ANN-F-BL-002
Business description ANN-F-BL-003-1.6
Risk analysis and precautionary measures in the production of organic products ANN-F-BL-003-1.8
Application ANN-F-BL-002
Description of the undertaking ANN-F-BL-003.1.7
Application for schemes
Application - supply products to a processing company
Application for closure
"Cover page of the Organic Farming Report
Form - Crop production 1.1.
Form - Crop production 1.2.
Form - Products of animal origin 2.2.
Form - Wild areas 1.3
"Cover page of the Organic Farming Report
Form - Meat 3.1.
Form - Fruit, berries, potatoes 3.2
Form -Oils 3.3.
Form - Milk 3.4.
Form - Grain, flour, starch, animal feed 3.5.
Form - Tea, coffee, honey 3.6.
Form - Drinks 3.7.
Form - Raw materials 3.8.
Application for inclusion of processing, trade in the organic farming control system ANN-F-BL-051.3
Application for inclusion of production in the organic farming control system ANN-F-BL-051
Notification of changes in the operator's operation
Declaration ANN-F-BL-053
Udescription of the beneficiary's activities
Company Description ANN-F-BL-052-1.1.2
pre-post action plan ANN-F-BL-070
Production warehouse ANN-F-BL-052-
Bee plan ANN-F-BL-072
Beekeeping ANN-F-BL-052-1.5
Production plan
Fertiliser and microbiological application plan ANN-F-BL-052-2.4
Production Plan 52-2.5.1
Production Plan 52-2.1.2
Production Plan 52-2.3
Production Plan 52-2.5
Separation ANN-F-BL-052-2.9
Description of the company's activities
Company Description ANN-F-BL-052-1.1.2
pre-post action plan ANN-F-BL-070
Production warehouse ANN-F-BL-052-
Bee plan ANN-F-BL-072
Beekeeping ANN-F-BL-052-1.5
ANN-F-BL-071 Livestock plan
Agricultural animals ANN-F-BL-052-1 4
Production plan
Fertiliser and microbiological application plan ANN-F-BL-052-2.4
Production Plan 52-2.5.1
Production Plan 52-2.1.2
Production Plan 52-2.3
Production Plan 52-2.5
Number of livestock and planned production ANN-F-BL-052-2.6
Calculation of feed quantity ANN-F-BL-052-2.7
Calculation of feed requirements ANN-F-BL-052-2.8
Description of the company's activities
Company Description ANN-F-BL-052-1.1.2
pre-post action plan ANN-F-BL-070
Production warehouse ANN-F-BL-052-
ANN-F-BL-071 Livestock plan
Agricultural animals ANN-F-BL-052-1 4
Production plan
Fertiliser and microbiological application plan ANN-F-BL-052-2.4
Production Plan 52-2.1.2
Production Plan 52-2.3
Production Plan 52-2.5
Separation ANN-F-BL-052-2.9
Number of livestock and planned production ANN-F-BL-052-2.6
Calculation of feed quantity ANN-F-BL-052-2.7
Calculation of feed requirements ANN-F-BL-052-2.8
Description of the company's activities
Company Description ANN-F-BL-052-1.1.2
Production warehouse ANN-F-BL-052-
Collection of wild plants ANN-F-BL-052.1.12
Precautionary Measures Plan - Collection of wild plants ANN-F-BL-093
Production plan
Production Plan 52-2.1.2
Production Plan 52-2.12
Documents to be provided
Risk analysis and precautionary plan - Recycling
Documents to be provided
Risk analysis and precautionary plan - Storage
Documents to be provided
Risk analysis and precautionary plan - Trade
Application for confirmation of the use of products, materials, preparations and substances in organic production ANN-F-BL-084
Approval for use in organic agriculture of conventional seed, seed potatoes and vegetative propagating material ANN-F-BL-067
Approval for use in organic agriculture Conventional seed, seed potatoes and vegetative propagating material
Separation ANN-F-BL-052-2.9
For processing-trading companies
Organic Trade Report ANN-F-BL-069.5
Organic Recycling Report ANN-F-BL-069.6
For manufacturing companies
Organic production report ANN-F-BL-069
Harvest and storage report ANN-F-BL-080
Organic Agriculture Sample Consignment Record ANN-F-BL-079.1
Analysis of potential causes and hazards, and corrective action plan 11.12.2020.
Application form for transaction certificate (TC) ANN-BL-088
Application for laboratory testing and batch movement monitoring (physical batch monitoring)
Application for control ANN-F-BL-077-EN
Control request ANN-F-BL-077-RU
Ensuring traceability of products of organic farming operators ANN-R-BL-023
Application for control ANN-F-BL-077-EN
Control request ANN-F-BL-077-RU
Summary of documents to be submitted to SIA "Sertifikācijas un testēšanas centrs" during the certification process for third country operators ANN-I-BL-005
Criteria for observations and non-conformities in the certification process for organic agricultural production in the third countries ANN-I-BL-008.1
Guidance on the steps of the Organic Agriculture Certification Procedures for Third Countries ANN-I-BL-007-3V
Instruction for the provision of certification services in organic production during a pandemic emergency COVID-19 ANN-I-BL-015
Customer handover procedure when changing certification authority ANN-R-BL-008-3V
Transition reduction procedure ANN-R-BL-024-3V
Risk Management Procedure ANN-R-BL-011-3V
Procedures for dealing with extraordinary events and/or circumstances affecting the management authority ANN-R-BL-031-3V
Application processing_operators ANN-F-BL-051.3
Application for production_ operators ANN-F-BL-051
Declaration ANN-F-BL-053
Crop production_ALL ANN-F-BL-052
Beekeeping_ALL ANN-F-BL-052
Livestock_ALL ANN-F-BL-052
Wild collection_ALL ANN-F-BL-052
Preparation, distribution,storage_ALL ANN-F-BL-052
Application for non organic seeds, seedlings ANN-F-BL-067
Application of retroactively recognition plots ANN-F-BL-085
Application_permission animals ANN-F-BL-095
Permission for seeds ANN-P-BL-017-3V
Retroactive recognition of land ANN-P-BL-024-3V
References for permissions to CA ANN-P-BL-033-3V
Application for COI ANN-F-BL-089
Application for COI GB ANN-F-BL-089
Export Procedure GB ANN-R-BL-022.1
Issuing COI in TRACES ANN-P-BL-022-3V
Annex I ANN_P_BL_022
Application form for transaction certificate (TC) ANN-BL-088
Application for laboratory testing and batch movement monitoring (physical batch monitoring)
Application for control ANN-F-BL-077-EN
Control request ANN-F-BL-077-RU
Traceability and monitoring of organically produced products
Procedure Traceability_Mass balance ANN-P-BL-023-3V
Confirmation of documents by submitting to STC ANN-P-BL-001-3V
Annual Report production ANN-F-BL-069
Annual Report preparation ANN-F-BL-069.6
Annual Report storing_distribution ANN-F-BL069.5
Harvest report_after harvesting ANN-F-BL-080
Apply at
List of flexible sphere methods
Application for the 160-hour professional development programme "Fundamentals of organic farming"
STC Laboratory Policy Statement
Policy Statement of the Conformity Assessment Unit
"Procedure for handling applications (complaints, appeals, motions)"
Dārza iela 12, Priekuli, Priekuli parish, Cesis district, LV-4126
Reg.No 40003025542
VAT EN 40003025542
AS Citadele Banka
Account LV53 PARX 001 362 829 0004
Copyright © 2021 - 2025 SIA "Sertifikācijas un testēšanas centrs"