Organic farming certification of production undertakings

Organic farming certification for plant production, animal husbandry, apiculture, collection of wild plants. Documents and reports to be submitted by organic farming production undertakings.

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Certification for manufacturing companies

Plant production

Certification of plant production companies - production undertakings engaged in agricultural production

Animal husbandry

Certification of livestock enterprises - production undertakings engaged in cultivation of agricultural land and livestock production. The sector is suitable to a specific location and necessarily linked to land.


Apiaries are situated in the centre of areas with a 3 kilometres radius where mostly organic crops, spontaneous vegetation and crops cultivated using low intensity methods serve as nectar and pollen sources. Apiaries are kept at a sufficient distance from sources that may lead to the contamination of beekeeping products or to the poor health of the bees. Documents required for beekeeping certification are specified below.

Collection of wild plants

The collection of wild plants and parts thereof, growing naturally in natural areas, forests and agricultural areas can be certified as organic farming products. The collection of wild plants must not endanger the diversity and preservation of natural plants in the collection area. Documents required for certification of collection of wild plants are specified below.

Water culture (Aquaculture)

The Organic Aquaculture Management System aims to preserve the biodiversity of natural aquatic crops, support healthy aquatic environments, and the quality of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Documents on aquaculture can be found below

Group certification

The association to be certified must constitute a group (be a single entity). Thus, individual members of the group cannot use the certificate of conformity independently of each other. Groups should consist of enterprises with similar production systems and be in geographical proximity.


Branch of the Limited Liability Company “Sertifikācijas un testēšanas centrs” in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Director Динара Мусина

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