Receive a special offer when visiting the exhibition BILTIM tehnika 2023

September 25, 2023
SPECIAL OFFER only at a exhibitions time BILTIM TEHNIKA 2023 (05.-07.10.2023) laikā 
Would you like to receive a discount for measurements of working environment parameters?

What you need to do:

  1. Come to the STC stand on one of the days of the exhibition (5.10.-7.10., Rāmava Business Center
  2. Write applications for measuring the parameters of the working environment
  3. Receive a 7% discount for measurements (discount applicable only in 2023)

What are the types of work environment measurements:

  • Measuring lighting at places of work and working premises
  • Measurement of air temperature, relative air humidity, air movement speed
  • Measuring the amount of dust in the workplace
  • Measuring of vibration transmitted through the arm of a person
  • Measuring of vibration transmitted through the human body
  • Measuring noise in the workplace
  • Measuring the environmental noise

The risk assessment of the working environment is the main part of the internal monitoring of the working environment, which helps to assess the risk factors of the working environment that exist in the specific workplace.

In the work process, it helps to determine how much risk these factors pose to the health of employees and what occupational safety measures to take to prevent or reduce this risk, as well as to evaluate which employees should be sent to which mandatory health examinations, what collective and individual protective measures should be required .

More lasi šeit

Register as a professional visitor of the exhibition and receive a free electronic invitation to visit the exhibition. 

Register for the visit here:

Posted on 25.09.2023.


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