Organic farming in Moldova

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Moldova has recognised the control body "Sertifikācijas un testēšanas centrs" (SRL "Centrul de Certificare și Testare") as a control body for the inspection and certification of organic production, under the identification code MD-ECO-001, in the following areas: A - unprocessed plants and plant products, including seeds and other plant reproductive material; B - unprocessed animals and animal products; C - algae and unprocessed aquaculture products; D - processed agricultural products, including aquaculture products intended for human consumption; E - animal feed; F - wine; G - other products listed in Annex 1 to Law No 237/2023 on organic production and labelling of organic products.

Recognition by identification code MD-ECO-001 includes - certification of organic production in accordance with Law No 237/2023 on organic production and labelling of organic products (Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova, 2023, No 338-340, Art. 3.596) as subsequently amended and in accordance with Government Decision No 433/2024 on organic production control and certification system, recognition of control organisations and supervision of their activities (Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova, 2024, No 314-317, Art. 3.2. 634)

Contact us to apply for certification or to ask a question!

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Head of the Third Country Organic Farming Sector

Ieva Lāce

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