Organic farming schemes

A product farmed according to organic legislation and placed on the market after labelling with an indication referring to organic farming complies with the requirement of the organic farming scheme. Requirements for food quality schemes and the procedure for their introduction, operation, supervision and control is set forth in Cabinet Regulation No 461 (12.08.2014)

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How to become a member of the scheme?

In order to start operating in the organic farming scheme, the operator shall submit the following documents:

  • an application, indicating the name, legal address, registration number in the Register of Enterprises or given name, surname, personal identification code and the declared address of residence of the operator;
  • a list of suppliers of raw materials for organic farming scheme products;
  • a statement indicating the names of the organic products sold and the places of sale.

Application for suppliers of products

The organic control authority also confirms compliance of such operator to the organic farming scheme who produces organic farming primary products and supplies them to an organic farming treatment and processing enterprise or cooperative

Submission to producers of primary and processed products

Each year (no later than 1 September), the operator shall submit to the biological control authority a certificate of participation in the scheme, indicating the names and places of sale of organic agricultural products sold in the period from 30 August of the previous year to 31 August of the current year.

Application for suspension of operation

If the operator terminates operations under the organic farming scheme he notifies it in writing to the organic control authority.

list of scheme participants


Sector of Organic Farming in Latvia

Chief Expert (production) in Organic Farming in Latvia

Vija Rāka

Chief Expert (processing) in Organic Farming in Latvia

Daiga Tukiša

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