


Organic farming certification costs per farm up to 20ha

145.20 Euro (including VAT 21%)

Payment for a farm over 20 ha for each additional ha

7.26 Euro (including VAT 21%)

Payment for wild areas used for gain (collection of mushrooms, plants, berries)

7.26 Euro (including VAT 21%)

On wild areas used for grazing

2.85 Euro (INCLUDING VAT 21%)

On an extraordinary examination to be carried out on the basis of a non-compliance report received

145.20 Euro (including VAT 21%)

In the case of laboratory examinations, if they have detected unauthorised substances or in cases where laboratory examinations have to be performed on the basis of a report of non-compliance received by the competent authority

according to the laboratory schedule

If, in accordance with the request of the commissioning party, laboratory examinations have been performed in an accredited laboratory outside Latvia

according to the laboratory price list, including sampling and transport costs

Additional verification on the basis of a request from the contracting party (shortening of the transitional period, in cases of product unbundling, in cases of authorisation and in other cases)

160 Euro (INCLUDING VAT 21%)

Translation of the attestation of conformity (certificate)

25 Euro (INCLUDING VAT 21%)
Cenas pieejamas tikai pēc pieprasījuma nosūtīšanas!

Lai noskaidrotu cenas, lūdzu, sazinieties ar attiecīgās jomas speciālistu rakstot e-pastu vai zvanot pa telefonu.

Payment for wild areas used for gain (collection of mushrooms, plants, berries)

9.00 Euro ( PVN 21%)

bioloģiskās lauksaimniecības sertifikācija latvijā

testi / laboratorija / inspicēšana / mašīnbūve

training centre

telpu noma, naktsmītnes

Piesakies 160 stundu kursiem "Bioloģiskās lauksaimniecības pamati"

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