STC participates in MOLDAGROTECH 12.03.2025 - 15.03.2025

Certification and Testing Centre Ltd. participates in MOLDAGROTECH (Spring) 2025! From 12 to 15 March in Chisinau, Moldova, Moldexpo International Exhibition Centre will host the 45th International Specialized Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for the Agroindustrial Sector - MOLDAGROTECH (spring) 2025. STC - your trusted partner in certification and testing - invites you to visit our booth, where we will present our wide range of certification and quality [...]

STC Organic Customer Survey

STC customer survey on cooperation in 2024 In order to improve the quality of services of SIA "Sertifikācijas un testēšanas centrs", we are conducting the annual STC organic customer survey on mutual cooperation in 2024. Please get involved in improving the quality of STC's services by completing the questionnaire by 1 March 2025. It will only take a few minutes of your time. The survey is anonymous and the data collected will be used [...]

STC is re-certified as AAA, the highest level of creditworthiness!

STC is re-certified as AAA, the highest level of creditworthiness! We are proud to announce that we have once again received the international AAA® certificate confirming compliance with the HIGHEST creditworthiness level AAA, which was created in cooperation with Dun & Bradstreet Latvia , SIA. We are proud of this achievement because only 6.5% of Latvian companies meet the highest creditworthiness level AAA and we are one of [...]

Support for participation in food quality schemes

Support for participation in food quality schemes IMPORTANT INFORMATION! From 28 February to 28 March 2025, the LAD is accepting applications for the support measure "Support for participation in food quality schemes". The objective of the aid is to encourage participation of agricultural producers and food processors in food quality schemes, thereby facilitating the production, processing and processing of quality food products and their access to the retail market. Make sure [...]

STC Green Leaf Talks in Latvian cities

Aicinām bioloģiskos lauksaimniekus, kā arī citus interesentus uz “Zaļās lapiņas” sarunām vairākās Latvijas pilsētās. Sarunas programmā iekļautās tēmas: Aktualitātes bioloģiskajā lauksaimniecībā Augu aizsardzības līdzekļu un iekārtu pārbaudes Individuālu transportlīdzekļu atbilstības novērtēšana LAD jaunumi un aktualitātes Augsnes stāvokļa nozīme bioloģiskajā saimniekošanā Pavairojumā materiāla izmantošana bioloģiskajā lauksaimniecībā Norises laiks: plkst. 10:00-13:00DIENAS KĀRTĪBA ŠEITNorises vietas. 21.03.2025. PRIEKUĻI (STC, Dārza […]

Bio Challenge "10 DAYS BIOLOGICAL"

We are happy to have the opportunity to participate in the Bio Challenge "𝟏𝟎 𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐒 𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐆̧𝐈𝐒𝐊𝐈" organised by the Latvian Organic Farming Association (LBLA), Deputy Board Member of STC, IEVA LACE, Head of the Organic Sector, visited the Legzdiņš-Stepiņš family to tell them whether organic bananas are really tastier. How to know if a product is organic. The challenge aims to promote organic [...]

Riga food 2024

We invite our customers, business partners and other interested parties to visit STC's stand at the largest food fair in the Baltic States - Riga Food 2024, which will take place from 5 to 7 September at the Kipsala Exhibition Centre in Riga. Come to the STC stand in Hall H1 Receive news by e-mail Sign up for newsletter

Training for those responsible for playgrounds and recreation grounds

Cabinet Regulation No 18 "Safety Regulations for Playgrounds and Recreation Grounds" stipulates that owners or legal possessors are responsible for installed playgrounds and recreation grounds The aim of the training is to provide information on the obligations of manufacturers, importers and distributors of playground equipment or other activity equipment, as well as the obligations and requirements of the owner or legal possessor of a public playground or recreation [...]

Procedure for the separation of organic production updated

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! This year, in order to make more efficient the procedure for ensuring the separation of organic production when the same type of variety is produced simultaneously in fields of different status (1PP, 2PP, 3PP and organic), we have ensured that the separation of production of different statuses can be documented for operators who are not high-risk. In cases where separation is necessary, the operator sends [...]

Authorisation for the introduction of non-organic animals into a herd

We would like to draw the attention of organic livestock farmers! It may take more than 1 month to obtain a permit for the introduction of non-organic animals into the herd if the application is submitted after the 25th of the month!!! The introduction of non-organic animals into the herd is subject to authorisation from the Competent Authority (PVD) as set out in Annex II, Part II, point of Regulation (EC) 2018/848, which is required from the first [...]