Seminar on "Diseases and pests of fruit trees, berry plants"

Receive news by e-mail Sign up for news "STC Professional Development Centre" in cooperation with the State Plant Protection Service (SPPS) organises a 4-hour seminar "Diseases and pests of fruit trees, berries. At the end you will receive a CERTIFICATE of participation in the 4-hour seminar, as well as training materials. Time: 06.06.2024Venue: online platform ZOOMDuration: 10:00-14:00Participation [...]

STC goes to the SPRING 2024 agricultural fair

AS THE 2024 SEASON BEGINS, FARMERS AND ENTREPRENEURS MEET AT THE 32nd INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS EXHIBITION SPRING 2024 Find out what's hot and choose in one place! Machinery and equipment for different needs, technologies and services for more productive and efficient work, consultations, solutions for fields and forests, seminars and discussions, exchange of experience and expansion of knowledge. During the fair, the AGRICULTURE FORUM 2024! This year, with even more [...]

STC will participate in the organic food fair BIOFACH 2024

STC will participate in the international organic food fair "Biofach 2024"- Germany Hall 4A, Stand 214 This year STC will again participate in the international organic food fair - BIOFACH 2024, which will take place from 13 to 16 February 2024 at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre, GERMANY. For the first time, the STC stand will feature the composition "Green Fingers" by renowned artist Dzintra Vilks (see image below). The artwork "Green [...]

Guidelines for the use of STC certification marks

stc GUIDELINES FOR USE OF THE stc Certification marks Download the guidelines The certification marks developed by STC may be used by organic operators, business partners and/or members who have an agreement with STC for the certification of organic products. In addition to the terms of the contract, the guidelines for the use of the certification marks "STC organic", "STC organic" may be used in the labelling (labels, stickers, etc.) of products certified organic by STC; "Approved by STC [...]

40h refresher training programme for farmers

40h refresher training programme "Production, processing and labelling of organic agricultural products" The new procedure for granting aid for the implementation of commitments for the programming period 2023-2027 (Cabinet Decision No 197, 18.04.2023) provides that farmers who have applied for one of the forms of aid and have accepted the new five-year commitment must additionally attend refresher training courses in agriculture and food production. Within the framework of these provisions, "STC in further training [...]

List of species to be included in the general permit in 2024

List of species for which a general authorisation to use conventionally sourced seed for organic production has been granted in 2024 A new entry "Grass seed mixtures" has been added to the authorisation list. As a reminder, the use of non-organic seed of these species (including grass seed mixtures) must be recorded in the VAAD register 'Record of conventional propagating material used in organic production under general authorisation'. List of species Organic farming in Latvia [...]

Memorandum of Cooperation with Kherson University of Agriculture and Economics, Ukraine

On 19 October, a remote seminar was held with students from the Faculty of Agronomy at Kherson University of Agriculture and Economics in Ukraine - future agronomists, farmers and business managers, academics and management. The aim of the seminar was to introduce the services offered by the "Certification and Testing Centre" Ltd (STC) in the field of certification and testing, to tell more about the procedure of organic certification - requirements and steps to start farming [...]

Get a special offer when you visit BILTIM Technique 2023

SPECIAL OFFER only during the exhibition BILTIM TEHNIKA 2023 (05.-07.10.2023) Want to get a discount on the measurement of working environment parameters? What you need to do: Come to the STC stand on one of the exhibition days (5.10.-7.10., Ramava Business Centre) Write an application for measuring the working environment parameters Get a 7% discount for measurements (discount only applicable in 2023) What are the types of working [...]

160h programme "Foundations of organic farming"

PROFESSIONAL TRAINING 160-HOUR PROGRAMME "BASICS OF BIOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE" The training course is suitable for beginners as well as for agricultural experts. The course provides a knowledge base on the basic principles of organic farming. The course will use a variety of teaching methods - theoretical and practical training with field trips to farms. Basic principles of organic farming, binding laws and regulations and monitoring and control procedures - 16h [...]