Inspections of sprayers/sprinklers

Visiem ekspluatācijā nodotiem lauksaimniecības smidzinātājiem, kas vecāki par pieciem gadiem jābūt pārbaudītiem vismaz vienu reizi,atbilstoši MK noteikumiem Nr.491 „Noteikumi par augu aizsardzības līdzekļu lietošanas iekārtām”

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Inspection process of sprayers/sprinklers

1. Submitting an application

Receipt of application and agreeing on the time and place of inspection

2. Preparing the device for the inspection

1. Wash the device and water filters

2. Fill the device with clean water, consult the expert about the amount of water

3. Attach the device to a tractor

3. Conducting the inspection

A visual inspection and a functional test using measuring tools is performed

4. After the inspection

If the device conforms to all requirements, an inspection label is affixed to it. An inspection report is issued which must be kept by the owner for 3 years


Inspections Expert

Kalvis Priede

STC laboratorijas vadītājs, Inspicēšanas eksperts

Andris Circenis

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