production certification

Production methods are based on preservation of a sustainable ecosystem, creating a closed production cycle to the extent possible, excluding completely the use of synthetically produced fertilizers and pesticides, reducing as much as possible the possibility of environmental contamination. The result of organic farming besides healthy food is also a sustainable natural environment that ensures a high quality of life to humans, plants and animals alike.

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Certification process

1. Application for inclusion in the organic farming control system

Applications are accepted throughout the year. Activities in which one wishes to certify must be marked with "X".

2. Description of the company

Documents containing a description of the company are submitted by new operators (beginning certification) or in cases where an operator is expanding the activity to be certified.

3. Precautionary measures plan

The operator prepares a precautionary measures plan if he is taking up activities for the first time and reviews it in case of any changes in the production process, but at least once in a year.

4. Production plan

Operators submit it for each year until 25 May. Read the instruction before preparing the production plan documents - Instruction

5. Documents that must be presented during the inspection

6. Production of fertilisers and plant protection products

The sector must be certified separately


Sector of Organic Farming in Latvia

Chief Expert (production) in Organic Farming in Latvia

Vija Rāka

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