Certification of processing and marketing establishments

Organic processing is an opportunity to produce and market quality products with high added value and to use the EU organic logo on product labelling, which gives consumers confidence in the origin and characteristics of their food and drink, and its presence on any product certifies compliance with the EU organic regulations.

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certification process

Application for inclusion in the organic control system

You can apply all year round. Put an X in the activities you want to certify (points 6,7,9,10)

Description of the company's activities

A contract is signed with the company, a payment agreement and a declaration.

Conclusion of the contract

A contract is signed with the company, a payment agreement and a declaration.

In-house inspection

Once all the necessary documents have been signed and received, the actual time of the inspection in the company is agreed.


  • The company's own control documentation - HACCP, which includes and identifies the critical steps in handling organic products, monitoring measures;
  • Documents that ensure the procurement, use, production and disposal of products and raw materials, and the traceability of products produced and sold in the enterprise. Accounting documents;
  • Logbook of non-compliant organic products, complaints;
  • Training protocols for staff involved in organic operations;
  • List of suppliers of organic products, raw materials, copies of certificates.


After the inspection, the documents are assessed and, if found to be in conformity, a certificate is issued.


Organic sector in Latvia

Chief Expert (Processing) for Organic Agriculture in Latvia

Daiga Tukiša