certification of preparatory undertakings

Certification in the areas of trade, processing and storage, and where trade is involved, without actual movement of products, as well as for export. Information and documents on the BL certification process.

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Food and feed manufacturing companies carrying out any operation that modifies the original product. The products are produced using mainly agricultural ingredients and are processed using organic, mechanical and physical methods. Certifiable processing operations also include the repackaging and labelling of products. Certification must cover all stages, including the performance of activities by subcontractors. The documents required for certification of processing and repackaging can be found below.


Certification in the field of storage of organic products includes the premises, places where organic products are stored, placed for temporary storage. The documents required for the certification of storage facilities can be found below.


Certification of trading businesses covers all the steps involved, including those that are carried out without the physical movement of products, on the basis of documents only.The documents required for certification of trading businesses can be found below.


Organic sector Third countries

Head of the Organic Sector in Third Countries

Ieva Lāce

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