Certification and Testing Centre Ltd (STC) is an organic certification body outside the EU, recognised under EC Reg 2018/848 the requirements of Article 46 and included COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2024/3121 (16 December 2024) whereby Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1378 amending as regards the recognition of certain control bodies under Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council Article 46, which are competent in third countries to carry out controls and issue certificates of organic production for the purpose of importing organic products into the Union Annex. The STC shall establish procedures and measures to ensure the integrity of organic products at all stages of production, preparation, marketing and storage. All stages of the process must be subject to certification in order for the organic product to be offered to the consumer with the organic label.
Documents to be prepared for certification of organic production prior to the inspection and to be presented during the inspection. To ensure the traceability and integrity of organic production, certified operators are required to submit periodic reports on the production, processing and processing of their products. The following must be submitted:
Scheme for the issue of Inland Transfer Certificates (IC) to certified operators
Ensuring traceability of organic products is one of the key elements for a safe, transparent and reliable market. To ensure the reliability and safety of BL products for consumers, the Certification and Testing Centre has developed a system to ensure traceability at all stages of control.
Certified operators in the SIA Certification and Testing Centre by compliance Reg. 2018/848 requirements
Dārza iela 12, Priekuli, Priekuli parish, Cesis district, LV-4126
Reg.No 40003025542
VAT EN 40003025542
AS Citadele Banka
Account LV53 PARX 001 362 829 0004
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