Certification of organic production

Certification of organic farming in the areas of crop production, livestock farming, beekeeping, wild plant collection. Documents and reports to be submitted to the Organic Production Companies.

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Certification for manufacturing companies

Crop production

Certification of crop production enterprises - production enterprises engaged in the production of agricultural products


Livestock certification - production enterprises working agricultural land and growing produce. The sector is site-specific and necessarily linked to the land.


Apiaries are located in areas where, within a radius of 3 km from the apiary, nectar and pollen sources are mainly organic crops, wild vegetation and crops cultivated with low-intensity methods. Apiaries are kept well away from sources that could lead to contamination of beekeeping products or deterioration of bee health. The documents required for beekeeping certification can be found below.

Collecting wild plants

Harvesting of naturally growing plants and plant parts from natural areas, forests and farmland can be certified as organic. The collection of wild plants must not endanger the diversity and conservation of the natural flora in the area of collection. The documents required for certification of wild collection can be found below.

Group certification

A group of operators consisting only of members who are farmers or operators who produce algae or aquaculture animals and who, in addition, may be engaged in the processing, preparation or placing on the market of food or feed: consisting only of members:
- whose certification costs are more than 2 % of each member's turnover or organic standard production and whose annual turnover of organic products does not exceed EUR 25 000 or whose organic standard production does not exceed EUR 15 000 per year; or

- where everyone has a farm to:

  • five hectares,
  • 0,5 hectares in the case of greenhouses, or
  • 15 hectares, only if there is permanent grassland;
  • are established in a Member State or a third country
  • is a legal entity;


Head of the Organic Sector in Third Countries

Ieva Lāce

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