EC type-examination of mechanical engineering products

Applies to all new machinery placed on the internal market of the European Union and listed in Annex IV. Type-examination shall be carried out on the complete type by sample testing in accordance with the requirements of Directive 2006/42/EC.

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How to get a certificate?

1. Submitting an application

The manufacturer or his authorised representative shall lodge an application for type-examination together with a package of documents and a sample of the item to be certified.

2. Sample testing

The certification body shall, after examining the documents, invite an accredited laboratory to test the object to be certified.

3. evaluation of results

After receipt of the test results from the laboratory and their evaluation, in the case of a positive result, the certification body shall issue EC type-approval of the product.

4. Issue of the certificate

Upon mutual signature of the instrument of transfer and payment, the certification body issues the EC type-conformity certificate for a period of 5 years.


Chief Expert

Ilmārs Zaķis

Certification expert

Iveta Šķērstina

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