Tehniskās dokumentācijas izstrāde

Attiecas uz jaunām iekārtām (mašīnbūves  produkti), kas tiek laistas Eiropas Savienības iekšējā tirgū, un NAV minētas Direktīvas 2006/42/EK  IV pielikumā. 

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pakalpojuma saņemšana

1. Submitting an application

Ražotājs vai tā pilnvarotais pārstāvis iesniedz pieteikumu par nepieciešamību izstrādāt tehnisko dokumentāciju.

2. Testing of a sample

Upon evaluation of the documents the certifying body invites an accredited laboratory for the testing of the object to be certified (if necessary).

3. Evaluation of results

Upon receiving the results of the testing from the laboratory and evaluating them, if the result is positive, the certifying body prepares a certificate of conformity of the technical documentation of the product to the requirements.

4. Issuing of the certificate

After signing of a transfer certificate by the manufacturer and the certifying body and payment the certifying body issues the prepared certificate of conformity of the technical documentation to the requirements of Directive 2006/42/EC.


Chief Expert

Ilmārs Zaķis

Certification Expert

Ainārs Iesavs

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