Approval of an individual vehicle for registration

Individual approval of vehicles is performed for individual agricultural and forestry tractors, their trailers and interchangeable towed equipment, as well as for special tractors According to Cabinet Regulation No 731 Rules for the Assessment of Conformity of Individual Agricultural and Forestry Vehicles

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Approval process of individual vehicles

1. Submitting documentation

1. Application

2. Declaration about individual vehicle ownership or proof of origin

3. Technical information

2. Agreeing the time and place of examination

3. Technical examination

Measurements are taken and conformity to documentation and technical requirements is assessed

4. Technical examination report and opinion

The report is made in two copies, one copy is issued to the owner of the vehicles. Individual vehicle approval is issued based on the report


Inspections Expert

Kalvis Priede

STC laboratorijas vadītājs, Inspicēšanas eksperts

Andris Circenis

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