
Companies certified for compliance EC Reg. 2018/848 and 2021/1698 requirements and who intend to export or are exporting to the EU must comply with the EU requirements for importing products into the EU, carrying out laboratory tests on products and requesting and validating a Certificate of Inspection (COI) in TRACES, respectively. Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2306 (21 October 2021) of the European Parliament and of the Council Regulation (EU) 2018/848 supplemented by provisions on official controls and on the certificate of inspection for consignments of organic products and transitional products intended for import into the Union lays down further requirements on official controls and on the certificate of inspection for consignments of organic products and transitional products COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2021/2306

Companies certified to the STC Standard for organic requirements in Great Britain "Production standards GB" Reg. 2007/834, 1235/2008 requirements and who intend to export or are engaged in exporting to Great Britain (GB) must comply with the GB requirements for importing produce into the country, carrying out laboratory tests on the produce and applying for and issuing a GB COI. Organic requirements in the UK equivalent to the EC Reg. 834/2007 and Reg. 889/2008 set out in.

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For companies certified for compliance Reg. 2018/848 and 2021/1698 organic products must be exported in accordance with EU requirements and the requirements of the certification body's control scheme, i.e. by Reg 2021/2307 and Reg 20218/848 the requirements of Article 8.

Application for laboratory tests

Laboratory testing for pesticide residues based on a risk analysis of the production batch is mandatory. The operator shall apply to the control authority for sampling and testing of the production batch. Decision on the compliance of the batch.

Application for batch movement monitoring (Physical batch monitoring)

The operator shall apply for physical monitoring of the movement of the production. The control authority shall carry out an assessment of the documents (origin of the products, operators' certificates for the products, assessment of possible non-compliances and penalties, laboratory results, etc.) and physical monitoring of the movement of the batch of products.

Application for approval of a Certificate of Inspection (COI)

The COI application must be issued per transport unit, i.e. car, wagon train (if they are indivisible), ship, etc. The operator shall apply to the Control Entry Authority for approval of the COI certificate in TRACES. The application shall be accompanied by supporting documents proving the origin, traceability and compliance with BL requirements. The operator shall enter information on the product to be exported 

COI for issuing GB the operator follows the guidelines set out in Department for Environment Food&Rural Affairs Guidance: Importing organic products from third countries into Great Britain at the end of the transition period  and the answers given FAQS: Importing organic produce into Great Britain.

The operator completes the COI GB form for the product to be exported and sends it by e-mail:

Certificate of Inspection (COI) validation

The inspection body shall decide within 3 working days of receipt and assessment of all documents whether to approve the COI certificate, requesting additional information if necessary. Further action on the COI in accordance with Reg. 2021/2306 Article 6. For more information, see the EC website.


Organic sector Third countries

Head of the Organic Sector in Third Countries

Ieva Lāce

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